I guess it doesn't really matter, since I wouldn't be able to print invoices anyway! 🙂 I read on Macintouch that one person got FMP 6 to open & operate properly in Rosetta on an Intel Mac. On a separate note, while I can get Filemaker 7.0.3 to launch, I can't get our billing database to open (G5). Good thing I installed it on a separate drive to play & test, and can boot back into 10.4.9 to get some work done. None of these four peripherals will operate for me under 10.5. I'm also having problems with a Canon LIDE 30 scanner, Epson 980 inkjet printer, and an HP 2550 laser printer. Note that there is nothing about this posted on their web site, at least as of this morning (10-29).
They forecast a new driver & software package within the next 2-3 weeks. I spoke with Dymo support today & they verified that their LabelWriter software & driver DOES NOT OPERATE in Leopard.